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Rossiya Segodnya employees on the Top 1000 Russian Managers list

27 September
Moscow, Rossiya Segodnya Press Office

Eight executives from the media group have been included in the Top 1000 Russian Managers rating compiled by the Association of Managers and the Kommersant Publishing House

6574542 16.06.2021 Здание международного информационного агентства "Россия сегодня" на Зубовском бульваре в Москве. Максим Блинов / РИА Новости - Rossiya Segodnya, 780, 27.09.2021

Eight executives from the Rossiya Segodnya media group have been included in the Top 1000 Russian Managers rating compiled by the Association of Managers and the Kommersant Publishing House. The list is published on the kommersant.ru website. The first places went to First Deputy Director General Galina Kozhina, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Dmitry Gruzdev and Director for Maintenance Vadim Yakovlev.

I was very pleased to receive this award. I sincerely thank everyone who helped me become one of the best professionals on the Top 1000 Russian Managers list. I wish all of us interesting projects, new achievements and victories. I want to congratulate all the participants in the rating.

Galina Kozhina
First Deputy Director General, who won in the Director for Corporate Management category

Dmitry Gruzdev, who became the best director for commerce, noted: “This award is the best commendation of the work done by the entire team of our media group. I would like to thank our colleagues for the high assessment and congratulate all those who were included in the rating.”

“We work for the people,” said Vadim Yakovlev, who won in the Director for Logistics and Supply Chains category.

Another five Rossiya Segodnya executives were included in the rating: Deputy Editor-in-Chief Andrei Blagodyrenko, Director for the Economy and Finances Kirill Kiselev, Deputy Director for Business Development and Head of the Department for Market Analysis and Product Development Olga Ryabova, Head of the HR Directorate Yevgeniya Solodova, and Executive Director and Head of the International Multimedia Press Center Olga Koleva.

The Top 1000 Russian Managers rating has been published annually for the past 22 years. It is an instrument for assessing objectively the professional reputation of the leading Russian executives in the top echelon. The rating summarizes executives’ performance over a year and identifies the most professional managers in Russia, leaders in their industries and areas of work in the opinion of the professional community.

The rating assesses individuals rather than companies. The target audience of the project are top executives of companies and department heads. During the voting, top managers assess their colleagues’ achievements. Every year Kommersant publishes a list of the top 1000 managers that got the highest score. The managers that occupy the leading places become prize nominees of the Top 1000 Russian Managers rating awarded by the Association of Managers. On September 27, the Association will hold a forum The Future of Administrative Professions: Tech-Reality, where it will announce the results of the rating.

The PRIME Business News Agency and the Association of Managers have carried out a special project “The Point of No Return,” where the business community shares its views on irretrievable changes that have hit businesses with the advent of the coronavirus pandemic. Similar special projects have been held for seven years running. In such projects, top managers reply to vital questions on the impact of external factors on their businesses in the format of a blitz interview. For more details follow the link.

The Association of Managers is one of Russia’s leading business unions. It promotes the professional development of the managers’ community, transition to the socially responsible standards of doing business and integration in the global economy. Over the past 20 years, the Association has won the reputation of an independent expert platform for formulating a consolidated position of the business community on the most urgent social and professional challenges facing the top management of large Russian companies, society and government.